Treatment for trauma, substance abuse, sexual compulsivity and eating disorders


CAMFT Article Published

A small group of sexologists in the psychotherapeutic community is espousing the mistaken belief that sex addiction is not a real disorder. This misconception is a prejudice Certified Sex Addiction Therapists have battled for decades. In truth, sex can be…

I’m Not Talking To Anybody: Helping Today’s Veterans

You’ve made it home — or at least friends and family think you did — but it doesn’t feel like you are “home.” Everybody is overjoyed that you’re back but you are miserable as well as guilty because you would rather be there than here. You have relationship, sexual and financial problems and miss the structure that got you through every day, as much as you complained about it.

Someone Who Gets it: Working With Military Trauma

The transition from the military is so disruptive that most combat veterans would rather return to war than deal with the problems of civilian life: If you go into an insurgent’s house, you know there’s a change in plan just by reading your Sergeant’s eyes. If you go into your house, your partner can talk for an hour and you still don’t know what they want!

Fad Diets Don’t Work But Here’s The Skinny on What Does

What the following diets have in common (Blood Type, Grapefruit, Atkins, Scarsdale, Sugar Busters, South Beach, Lazy Zone and Hollywood) is that they provide you, the dieter, with seven different ways to torture yourself while losing and gaining back the…

Trauma and the Body: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Psychologists who work with survivors of trauma recognize the complexities inherent in this clinical population. Traumatized individuals often demonstrate debilitating and reoccurring symptoms consisting of dysregulated affect and somatic responses that have no clear relationship to the fragments they might…

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